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chicken & potatoes in rucola pesto


Prep: 15min | Cooking: 50min

Complexity: 1/5


(serves 4)

  • 500g potatoes, diced

  • 4 chicken breasts, quartered

  • olive oil, salt, pepper

For the rucola pesto:

  • 50g rucola

  • 50g pine nuts

  • 1/2 garlic clove

  • 1/4 cup (65ml) olive oil

  • 1/3 cup grated hard yellow cheese

  • salt (1/2 tsp), pepper (1/4 tsp)


Preheat oven to 180°C.

Use a blender to blitz rucola, then add one pesto ingredient at a time to the blender. Refrigerate until needed.

Place potatoes and chicken in a baking dish with a lid, season with salt, pepper and olive oil and mix until well-coated. Place in oven without lid for 30 min.

Mix contents, then cover dish with lid and cook for another 20 min.

Remove from oven.

Add the pesto to the baking dish and mix until well-coated.


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