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Kindled Embers | review | Wishing Shelf Book Awards


KINDLED EMBERS is free this weekend on Amazon Kindle!

Saturday 31-July - Sunday 01-August

KINDLED EMBERS made it as a finalist in the 2020 Wishing Shelf Book Awards contest, and received some wonderful feedback from parents, teachers, and children!

Below are some excerpts:

'Eliza is a cool character. She's strong and determined to solve the mystery. I liked that I never guessed what was going to happen next.' (Girl, aged 12)

Of the 16 readers:

- 16 would read another book by this author. - 13 thought the cover was good or excellent. - 16 felt it was easy to follow. - 16 would recommend this book to another reader to try.

- 16 felt the pacing was good or excellent. - 16 thought the author understood the readership and what they wanted.



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